37 research outputs found

    Social Media Engagement: Content Strategy and Metrics Research Opportunities

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    Social media platforms allow for the integration of online and offline experiences for customers and brand relationships. Firms must understand which moves are the best to engage customers on social platforms. Smartphone’s adoption has contributed to the expansion of social media uses and seems to facilitate engagement in online brands’ experience. However, previous research reveals no consensus about what customer brand engagement in social media is and how to measure it. The objective here is to identify factors of social media engagement and metrics adopted to define social media brands’ content strategy performance. A systematic literature review shows social media engagement as a misunderstood concept related to different levels of customer relationships. Also, findings reveal that the literature has failed to address social media content strategy performance and the metrics adopted. This paper examines and categorizes metrics and opportunities for future research, as well as managerial involvement in social media engagement issues

    Human-Machine Interaction and Human Resource Management Perspective for Collaborative Robotics Implementation and Adoption

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    The shift towards human-robot collaboration (HRC) has the potential to increase productivity and sustainability, while reducing costs for the manufacturing industries. Indeed, it holds great potential for workplaces, allowing individuals to forsake repetitive or physically demanding jobs to focus on safer and more fulfilling ones. Still, integration of humans and machines in organizations presents great challenges to IS scholars due to the complexity of aligning digitalization and human resources. A knowledge gap does persist about organizational implications when it comes to implement collaborative robotics in the workplace and to support proper HRC. Thus, this paper aims to identify recommended human resources management (HRM) practices from previous research about human-robot interaction (HRI). As our results highlight that few studies attempted to fill the gap, a conceptual framework is proposed. It integrates HRM practices, technology adoption dimensions and main determinants of HRC, in the objective to support collaborative robotics implementation in organizations

    ICT, Permeability Between the Spheres of Life and Psychological Distress Among Lawyers

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    The pervasiveness of information and communications technologies (ICT) has changed the nature of work in recent decades. Positive and negative impacts of ICT have been identified in every profession, including among lawyers. This paper examines the impact of ICT on the working conditions, stress and psychological distress experienced by lawyers, based on a qualitative study. Twenty-two (22) interviews were conducted with the aim of gaining a deep understanding of this issue. A thematic content analysis of the interviews revealed that factors related to ICT appear to contribute to the overall stress (technostress and other stress) experienced by lawyers, in turn leading to psychological distress. Moreover, the growing permeability between the different spheres of life caused by ICT and their particular characteristics has increased the workload of lawyers and accelerated their pace of work. Participants also identified frequent technological problems, as well as clients’ misinformation on the Internet, as risk factors

    L'apport d'une approche multidimensionnelle de gestion des connaissances à la performance décisionnelle des organisations

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    La prise de dĂ©cisions est une activitĂ© Ă  forte intensitĂ© de connaissances, nĂ©cessitant la crĂ©ation et utilisation des connaissances pour l'amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© des dĂ©cisions, soit la performance dĂ©cisionnelle (PD). La PD est un dĂ©fi pour tous les gestionnaires, peu importe le secteur industriel dans lequel ils Ɠuvrent, car les dĂ©cisions deviennent plus complexes, moins structurĂ©es, et fondĂ©es sur les connaissances organisationnelles. Bien que la GC soit soulignĂ©e pour sa contribution Ă  la PD, les liens entre ces deux concepts n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablis dans les recherches prĂ©cĂ©dentes. L’objectif de cette thĂšse comble cette lacune en investiguant l’apport d’une approche multidimensionnelle de la GC Ă  la PD, considĂ©rant des facteurs touchant les dimensions technologiques, humaines, organisationnelles, et une culture reconnaissant la valeur de la connaissance pour l’organisation. Les dimensions traitĂ©es, soit les moyens et outils, les processus, la structure et la culture de la GC sont les plus frĂ©quemment mentionnĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature, mais traitĂ©es de maniĂšre isolĂ©e. Notre recherche vise Ă  corriger cette faille, portant une attention particuliĂšre aux effets d’interaction entre les dimensions de la GC, et ce, dans un contexte rĂ©el. Pour ce faire, une recherche-action menĂ©e dans une entreprise du secteur forestier, traitant des opĂ©rations forestiĂšres. Ce terrain nous a offert de riches rĂ©sultats, car des problĂ©matiques semblables se retrouvent dans d’autres secteurs d’activitĂ©s. Nos rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent qu’une approche multidimensionnelle de la GC est fructueuse pour l’amĂ©lioration de la PD, notamment quant Ă  la productivitĂ©, l’agilitĂ©, l’innovation et la rĂ©putation des dĂ©cisions. Nos rĂ©sultats illustrent aussi la connexion entre les dimensions de la GC pour une meilleure PD, nous permettant de valider empiriquement qu’elles sont toutes importantes Ă  prendre en compte et sont interreliĂ©es. Des mĂ©canismes et des initiatives mis en place ont permis de illustrer ces liens. Par exemple, l’adoption d’outils de GC requiert des activitĂ©s de la GC adaptĂ©es, une structure les soutenant, et une culture favorisant le partage, l’utilisation, et la crĂ©ation de connaissances en vue d’une meilleure PD. La dĂ©marche utilisĂ©e dans le cadre de notre recherche-action peut ĂȘtre mise Ă  profit d’autres organisations qui cherchent Ă  amĂ©liorer la PD. Mots-clĂ©s : gestion des connaissances; performance dĂ©cisionnelle; recherche-action; cartographie des connaissances; planification forestiĂšre; rĂ©seau d’approvisionnement forestier.Improving decision performance (DP) is a challenge for all managers, regardless of the industry in which they work. This challenge is even more important in the current business environment where decisions become more complex, less structured, and increasingly based on organizational knowledge. Although KM is underlined for his contribution to the PD, recent research indicates the relationship between these two concepts needs more investigation in order to be better exploited in the management of organizations. To fill this gap, the objective of this thesis was to investigate the contribution of a multidimensional approach of KM to better support DP. Our approach considers factors from organizational, technological and human dimensions, and a culture that recognizes the value of knowledge. These dimensions of KM are mentioned in the literature, and are often investigated separately. However, in this thesis we pay special attention to interaction effects between them, to provide a holistic perspective in a real context. We conducted an action research in a company in the forestry sector; particularly we studied planning and forecasting of forest operations processes. This fieldwork provided rich data and interesting results, as well as highliighting problems that can be found in other sectors. Our results provide a deeper understanding and a holistic view of the KM based on a multidimensional approach to better support DP within organizations. Our results show that organizational, technological and cultural dimensions of the KM are all important and are deeply interrelated. We put in place mechanisms and initiatives that allowed us to validate this empirically. The approach used in the context of our action research can be exploited in other companies that seek to improve the DP, whether the forestry sector or elsewhere. Key words: Knowledge management; Decision performance; Multidimensional approach of KM; Action research; Knowledge mapping; Business process mapping; Forestry operations; Wood supply network

    Digital Literacy for Business Leaders and Managers

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    The digital business environment offers opportunities to develop new business models and support organizational growth. It also brings fast-paced changes, global competition, and turbulence. To benefit from these opportunities, business leaders and managers must adapt and develop the relevant capabilities in this context. However, the literature falls short in describing the competencies required by professionals that lead the digital transformation journey. To address this gap, we conducted a panel with digital transformation experts. We also performed a systematic literature review to identify the competencies needed to lead optimally in the digital business environment. Our results present four categories of competencies based on experts and literature: Technical, Managerial, Social, and Motivational. Our findings bring insights for future research on long-life learning for business leaders and managers. They also inform practice about the relevance of digital literacy in leading an organization’s digital transformation successfully and sustainably

    Techno(Stress) and Techno(Distress): Validation of a Specific TechnoStressors Index (TSI) Among Quebec Lawyers

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    The pervasive and ubiquitous characteristics of information technology has been associated to technostress. Current measures oftechnostress do not consider some recent issues of the stress generated by technology in the day-to-day work of lawyers. This paper presents the validation of a 25-item self-report scale (TechnoStressors-Index-TSI) for the study of technostress in lawyers’ professional context. Items were constructed through qualitative exploratory interviews (N=22) and adaptation of existing scales. The scale was tested (N=40) and retested (N=2027) among Quebec lawyers using EFA and CFA. This scale proposes a second order reflexive model of five dimensions to understand technostress. The scale validation among a large sample of professionals helped to fulfill the gap regarding specific techno-stressors to which lawyers are exposed and leading to technostress at work or other health outcomes, such as psychological distress. For further research, it needs to be validated with other professionals to confirm its relevance in different contexts

    Business Intelligence in Industry 4.0: State of the art and research opportunities

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    Data collection and analysis have been at the core of business intelligence (BI) for many years, but traditional BI must be adapted for the large volume of data coming from Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies. They generate large amounts of data that need to be processed and used in decision-making to generate value for the companies. Value generation of I4.0 through data analysis and integration into strategic and operational activities is still a new research topic. This study uses a systematic literature review with two objectives in mind: understanding value creation through BI in the context of I4.0 and identifying the main research contributions and gaps. Results show most studies focus on real-time applications and integration of voluminous and unstructured data. For business research, more is needed on business model transformation, methodologies to manage the technological implementation, and frameworks to guide human resources training

    PolĂ­ticas pĂșblicas aplicadas à indĂșstria 4.0: estudo comparativo entre o Brasil e o CanadĂĄ com foco na competĂȘncia em informação

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    Public policies have contributed to transform businesses of the countries. These policies are created to help companies become more competitive and able to invest in innovation. Industry 4.0 has brought new transformations to the organizations. Therefore, many countries have applied public policies in order to contribute to the economic competitiveness. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the actions and public policies of Brazil and Canada, so organizations can innovate and be competitive in the context of industry 4.0. Furthermore, it aims to demonstrate the relevance of information literacy for individuals to access these policies. This paper is a comparative study that relies on a documentary research method of public policies and actions which focused on Industry 4.0 in Brazil and Canada. The results showed that both countries have made efforts to make companies aware of the results of the 4th Industrial Revolution and business opportunities. The conclusions indicate that Brazil needs a greater engagement of the public sphere for the implementation of a policy. Canada needs more investment, especially for small businesses.Las polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas han contribuido a transformaciones en los negocios de los paĂ­ses. Estas polĂ­ticas tienen como misiĂłn ayudar a los negocios a ser mĂĄs competitivos y tener la posibilidad de invertir en innovaciĂłn. La industria 4.0 viene trayendo nuevas transformaciones para las organizaciones y por eso, varios paĂ­ses han aplicado polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas a fin de contribuir con la competitividad econĂłmica. El objetivo es analizar las acciones y polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas de Brasil y CanadĂĄ para que las organizaciones puedan innovar y lograr ser competitivas en el contexto de la industria 4.0. AdemĂĄs, demostrar la relevancia de la alfabetizaciĂłn informacional para que los individuos accedan a dichas polĂ­ticas. Esta investigaciĂłn es un estudio comparativo que cuenta con el mĂ©todo de la investigaciĂłn documental sobre las polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas y acciones dirigidas a la industria 4.0 de Brasil y CanadĂĄ. Los resultados demostraron que ambos paĂ­ses han aplicado esfuerzos para que las empresas conozcan las implicaciones de la 4ÂȘ RevoluciĂłn Industrial, asĂ­ como las oportunidades de negocios. Las consideraciones finales apuntan que Brasil necesita mayor compromiso de la esfera pĂșblica para la aplicaciĂłn de una polĂ­tica. CanadĂĄ necesita una mayor inversiĂłn, principalmente para las industrias micro y pequeño porte.As polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas tĂȘm contribuĂ­do para transformaçÔes nos negĂłcios dos paĂ­ses. Essas polĂ­ticas tĂȘm como missĂŁo ajudar os negĂłcios a se tornarem mais competitivos e ter condiçÔes de investir em inovação. A indĂșstria 4.0 vem trazendo novas transformaçÔes para as organizaçÔes e por isso, vĂĄrios paĂ­ses tĂȘm aplicado polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas a fim de contribuir com a competitividade econĂŽmica. O objetivo Ă© analisar as açÔes e polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas do Brasil e do CanadĂĄ para que as organizaçÔes possam inovar e conseguir ser competitivas no contexto da indĂșstria 4.0. AlĂ©m disso, demonstrar a relevĂąncia da competĂȘncia em informação para que os indivĂ­duos acessem tais polĂ­ticas.  Essa pesquisa Ă© um estudo comparativo que conta com o mĂ©todo da pesquisa documental sobre as polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas e açÔes voltadas a indĂșstria 4.0 do Brasil e do CanadĂĄ. Os resultados demonstraram que ambos os paĂ­ses tĂȘm aplicado esforços para que as empresas conheçam as implicaçÔes da 4ÂȘ Revolução Industrial, bem como as oportunidades de negĂłcios. As consideraçÔes finais apontam que o Brasil necessita maior engajamento da esfera pĂșblica para a aplicação de uma polĂ­tica. O CanadĂĄ necessita de maior investimento, principalmente para as indĂșstrias de micro e pequeno porte

    Going Beyond Blockchain Adoption's Hype to Improve Supply Chain Sustainability: Evidence From Empirical and Modelling Studies

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    Potential solutions emerge with the fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, including the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain. The global supply chain requires greater traceability and transparency to ensure product security, efficient management and sustainable performance. However, traditional supply chains face several challenges related to traceability systems. This paper aims to analyse academic literature regarding Blockchain adoption in supply chains to improve traceability and transparency from a sustainable perspective. A systematic literature review was performed in order to provide verifiable evidence; we focused our investigation on empirical and modelling articles. Results suggest that Blockchain benefits occur through three levels: macro-level (overall supply chain network), meso-level (such as dyadic relationships) and micro-level (end consumers). However, we note that the contribution’s results have not yet reached a consensus. We have therefore proposed three research insights towards addressing the identified gaps

    Going Beyond Blockchain Adoption\u27s Hype to Improve Supply Chain Sustainability: Evidence From Empirical and Modelling Studies

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    Potential solutions emerge with the fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, including the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain. The global supply chain requires greater traceability and transparency to ensure product security, efficient management and sustainable performance. However, traditional supply chains face several challenges related to traceability systems. This paper aims to analyse academic literature regarding Blockchain adoption in supply chains to improve traceability and transparency from a sustainable perspective. A systematic literature review was performed in order to provide verifiable evidence; we focused our investigation on empirical and modelling articles. Results suggest that Blockchain benefits occur through three levels: macro-level (overall supply chain network), meso-level (such as dyadic relationships) and micro-level (end consumers). However, we note that the contribution’s results have not yet reached a consensus. We have therefore proposed three research insights towards addressing the identified gaps